
Today is
Next Meeting
Monday, March 17.
Starts in ...
Meeting Schedule Next 6 Months (every third Monday)
Mar 17, Apr 21, May 19, June 18, July 21, Aug 18
Visitors and family members are always welcome!
Program for March17
​PLEASE NOTE: THE MARCH MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 1600 (4:00 PM est) - NOT (1700 5:00 pm est)
For our March meeting, we will have a Zoom presentation by our own
Bob Farkalay, K9RHY, entitled ...
“The FT8 Revolution in DXing - Except When CW Strikes Back”
This promises to be an interesting and relevant topic, especially in today's operating environment. Bob has been kind enough in the past to have given excellent presentations to our group, and this should be no exception.
​Hope to see you in person at the meeting, or on Zoom (see below) if you can't make it to the Olive Garden.​​​​​

Club members and Visitors.
Attend the March meeting in person at The Olive Garden and be eligible for a drawing to win a brand new Baofang AR-5RM two band (2 meter/70cm) hand-held transceiver with multi-band reception.
Must be present to win.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have any suggestions or requests for a program, or if you wish to present a program yourself, please email our club President Tim, AJ4HW, by clicking HERE. Thanks!
We gather every third Monday of the month (except December) for a dinner/meeting and camaraderie at ...
the Olive Garden Restaurant
(Private Backroom)
7206 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN
Located a few short blocks east of the West Town Mall.
Starting at 5:00 pm until approximately 7:30 pm.
We generally start with dinner (dutch treat) at around 5:00, and the meeting starts around 6:00 and ends around 7:30.
The meeting begins with a discussion of various topics, followed by a presentation of interest to the ham community.
If you cannot attend in person, you are encouraged to join the meeting via Zoom starting around 6:00 (see info below).
VISITORS and FAMILY MEMBERS: Please feel free to join us in person (starts around 5:00), or on Zoom (starts around 6:00). We'd love to have you attend!​​
Join Zoom Meeting
by simply clicking on the following link:
(NOTE: This is a new link)
Meeting ID: 77619354419
Passcode: 139312
Trouble logging in?
Please call Tim, AJ4HW, at 865-228-9955 immediately to report the issue. Thank you!