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The Great Smoky Mountains
The Great Smoky Mountains
Downtown Knoxville Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee


to the East Tennessee DX Association website


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San Diego DX Club on Links page under DX Resources

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mid-July 2024

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​​The goal of the East Tennessee DX Association (ETDXA) is to foster an active group of amateur radio operators dedicated to the fun and adventure of DX (long-distance communication), as well as ham radio in general. We are committed to promoting fellowship, knowledge sharing, and skill development among our members, while actively engaging in the exploration and pursuit of DX challenges. Through collaboration, innovation, and a passion for amateur radio, we aim to advance the art and science of DXing, while promoting goodwill and friendship across the airwaves. Together, we embrace the spirit of fun, exploration and discovery, pushing the boundaries of communication and proudly representing East Tennessee on the global amateur radio stage.

* What is a DXpedition?

​A DXpedition is an expedition to what is considered an exotic place by amateur radio operators and DX listeners, typically because of its remoteness, access restrictions, or simply because there are very few radio amateurs active from that place. This could be an island, a country, or even a particular spot on a geographical grid. DX is a telegraphic shorthand for "distance" or "distant".

Source: Wikipedia


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